Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal # 4

Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #4
“It's time to trust teachers with the Internet”   NETS-T: III, VI

Summary:  The article presents a good argument of how schools are affecting the technology education of children. The article is an interview with Meg Ormiston , a presenter of good use of technology in classrooms. The main idea presented is that schools block the internet with the purpose of safety but same time teacher-resources are block. A good example of sites is YouTube, Ormiston mentions that can be bad but mostly can be useful to teach. Ormiston mentions that is necessary for administrators to educate themselves in why is useful not to block internet at schools. Also teachers need to go and explore outside of the classroom websites to later present them why they will be part of their curriculum. Finally, Orminston mentions that blocking websites is not good because students are going to their homes and using the internet without being taught about safety at school.

Q1: What other websites can be use in the classroom?
A1: Another websites useful for classroom purposes is Diigo a bookmarking site where can find interesting and useful websites. Yahoo can also be helpful because you can find news from all over the world in it, or any other site that has news to help students see the outside world. 

Q2: How is a way to educate students and teachers in a low-income district?
A2: It might seem impossible to have any kind of technology in these types of districts. However I think there are grants and people to who you might ask for support. I have heard that you can ask for grants by staying the reasons of how it will help students and how they will help in the future. Also is important to attend the district meetings because that way parents and teachers can demand for more money in order to help the children’s education.

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