Saturday, April 23, 2011

Journal #7- My Personal Learning Network

Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #7


PLN: the creation of my PLN was not an easy job to do because it was complicated to choose what I wanted to be on it. I know that later in the future it will increase, but I was thinking many things were not useful and only incorporated because they sound cool. I had to look carefully to what it is that I really wanted and that it was going to help me in the future. At the end my PLN looks decent and great to help me in my future classroom. It has mainly educational sites for lower grades, interesting resources of how to use technology, bilingual sites, and educators or future ones.
PLN Twitter: My PLN on Twitter is conforming mainly by future educators from our class. They are part of my PLN because I want to see what their concerns are and how they relate to mine which can helpful to connect more and help each other. The chat in which I participated was Elemchat it was on April 16, 2011 at 2pm. The experience was good because I got to learn a lot from the topic which was “What does a 21st century elementary school look like?” It was interesting to see all the views of so many different people, and fro m all around the world. I like how many were similar to mine that they have many technology and students are not engaging more with one another in the classroom if not outside in the whole world. It was exciting to see all the answers.
Diigo:  the PLN part of my Diigo page consist of teachers founded by going through your website, they seem really interesting in topics that help educators. The pages I tagged with PLN are about creating PLN, using Twitter in the classroom, Bilingualism, and digital natives. I pick these articles to be part of my PLN because I think they will help me in different forms. The twitter one will be an easier way to understand its role in education, how to create a PLN it will be easy for me to keep updating and expanding my connections. Bilingualism I choose because I am bilingual and I understand why is important to be bilingual in this point on time, and the Digital because it talks about what myths people say and I feel like it’s important for people to see how they are not true. In the future I will be expanding more my list, with fun and interesting things.
Classroom 2.0: I decided to choose for my third source of PLN network Classroom 2.0 because I felt it was more relevant to teachers and easier to explore. I joined a discussion of how you can make parents more involve in the classroom. It was interesting to rear all the ideas provided, and make me think that how I was going to do that. I found interesting how teachers cannot make parents interact in the classroom most of the time because parents work all day, it’s and issue that can bring problems in the future of the students. I like the discussion because I got ideas for my future classroom.

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