Sunday, April 24, 2011

Journal #9

Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #9

“Teaching Green” NETS-T: I, II, III, IV
Walters, J. (2011). Teaching green. The Journal, 38(4), Retrieved from

Summary: The article is one of the most interesting articles I have read so far in this course, because it provide with interesting information that I am concern off. The article is about how to teach our students about protecting the earth and becoming green, it mentions six different sites that are helpful an interesting. The main thing that attracted my attention was that they were divided by the grade appropriate level; it is an easier way to see which one will work for your grade level. I like that it explains how it is helpful for that level, and provides a short and detail piece of information about the site. Now, I will be able to teach any grade about becoming green by navigating through the websites and found lesson plans appropriate for the grade.  

Q1: Which site will you use in your future classroom?
A1: I would want to use two of the websites, “The Ecological Footprint Quiz” and “The US Environmental Protection Agency Teaching Center.” I want to use the quiz one because it will be a good way to start a lesson, and see where the student’s knowledge about being green is at. It will be easier to create lesson plans, and steps to make them more are about their environment. I like the EPA website because it provides lesson plans, workshops, and ways to get grants, which all future teachers might get to need after all the educational cuts.

Q2: How being green would benefit the students?
A2: the students will benefit because they are the future of this planet which is dying due to the lack of care for it. Students need to understand that they need to preserve this planet and what it provides in order for their survival. It will take little steps to create a big impact but they will work towards the goal of not getting for granted what the earth gives us.

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