My first movie, is here!!!! I made it by using iMovie in Mac. I used video filmed by the Professor. To make it even better I edit it, include effects, text, music and voice over. I made it more professional by including two real facts. NETS-T: III
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I created this awesome way to arrange my ideas of what assignments I created and related to NETS-T. I used images and text to express my ideas. All of them were connected with arrows in order to form this thinking map. NETS-T: III
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Journal #9
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #9
“Teaching Green” NETS-T: I, II, III, IV
Walters, J. (2011). Teaching green. The Journal, 38(4), Retrieved from
Summary: The article is one of the most interesting articles I have read so far in this course, because it provide with interesting information that I am concern off. The article is about how to teach our students about protecting the earth and becoming green, it mentions six different sites that are helpful an interesting. The main thing that attracted my attention was that they were divided by the grade appropriate level; it is an easier way to see which one will work for your grade level. I like that it explains how it is helpful for that level, and provides a short and detail piece of information about the site. Now, I will be able to teach any grade about becoming green by navigating through the websites and found lesson plans appropriate for the grade.
Q1: Which site will you use in your future classroom?
A1: I would want to use two of the websites, “The Ecological Footprint Quiz” and “The US Environmental Protection Agency Teaching Center.” I want to use the quiz one because it will be a good way to start a lesson, and see where the student’s knowledge about being green is at. It will be easier to create lesson plans, and steps to make them more are about their environment. I like the EPA website because it provides lesson plans, workshops, and ways to get grants, which all future teachers might get to need after all the educational cuts.
Q2: How being green would benefit the students?
A2: the students will benefit because they are the future of this planet which is dying due to the lack of care for it. Students need to understand that they need to preserve this planet and what it provides in order for their survival. It will take little steps to create a big impact but they will work towards the goal of not getting for granted what the earth gives us.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Journal #8
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #8
“Point/Counterpoint: Should schools be held responsible for Cyberbullying?” NETS-T: IV, V
Bogacz, R, & Gordillo, M. (2011). "point/counterpoint: should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying?" leaning and Leading with Technology, 38(6), Retrieved from
Summary: the article main point was to see two different points in an answer toward the question. I found this really interesting to see how both points made on the article are true. It was hard to answer the question when I try always I will end in the middle of the argument, it impossible to just blame one person or system in this world for cyberbullying. I agree that teachers are the ones that shape the students and need to be responsible in addressing the issue in their classroom. However what is going too happened when they are using the computer at home teachers will also be blame. That is why I understand why teachers should not be responsible for cyberbullying. Everyone needs to work together in bringing a peaceful environment for the children of today it will be hard but not impossible, everyone needs to collaborate as mention in the article if one from the chain fails to do so we will never stop it.
Q1: How will you talk about cyberbullying in your classroom?
A1: I think one of the ways is to first start with the bullying in the classroom because that is where it leads to major issues and in other forms. One of the ways in which I will incorporate it is by teaching students why it is bad, and how it can be change. I will like to incorporate websites with games that are integrative .
Q2: Do you think parents can solve the problem on their own?
A2: I do not think parents are able to solve the problem by their own as teachers aren’t either. The reason is because everyone affects the life of the students and is with them throughout their development as adults. However I believe parents are the first ones that need to start working on teaching their children what is good and what is bad, a little talk about cyberbullying will help a lot.
Journal #7- My Personal Learning Network
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #7
PLN: the creation of my PLN was not an easy job to do because it was complicated to choose what I wanted to be on it. I know that later in the future it will increase, but I was thinking many things were not useful and only incorporated because they sound cool. I had to look carefully to what it is that I really wanted and that it was going to help me in the future. At the end my PLN looks decent and great to help me in my future classroom. It has mainly educational sites for lower grades, interesting resources of how to use technology, bilingual sites, and educators or future ones.
PLN Twitter: My PLN on Twitter is conforming mainly by future educators from our class. They are part of my PLN because I want to see what their concerns are and how they relate to mine which can helpful to connect more and help each other. The chat in which I participated was Elemchat it was on April 16, 2011 at 2pm. The experience was good because I got to learn a lot from the topic which was “What does a 21st century elementary school look like?” It was interesting to see all the views of so many different people, and fro m all around the world. I like how many were similar to mine that they have many technology and students are not engaging more with one another in the classroom if not outside in the whole world. It was exciting to see all the answers.
Diigo: the PLN part of my Diigo page consist of teachers founded by going through your website, they seem really interesting in topics that help educators. The pages I tagged with PLN are about creating PLN, using Twitter in the classroom, Bilingualism, and digital natives. I pick these articles to be part of my PLN because I think they will help me in different forms. The twitter one will be an easier way to understand its role in education, how to create a PLN it will be easy for me to keep updating and expanding my connections. Bilingualism I choose because I am bilingual and I understand why is important to be bilingual in this point on time, and the Digital because it talks about what myths people say and I feel like it’s important for people to see how they are not true. In the future I will be expanding more my list, with fun and interesting things.
Classroom 2.0: I decided to choose for my third source of PLN network Classroom 2.0 because I felt it was more relevant to teachers and easier to explore. I joined a discussion of how you can make parents more involve in the classroom. It was interesting to rear all the ideas provided, and make me think that how I was going to do that. I found interesting how teachers cannot make parents interact in the classroom most of the time because parents work all day, it’s and issue that can bring problems in the future of the students. I like the discussion because I got ideas for my future classroom.
Journal #6
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #6
"Grow Your Personal Learning Network," NETS-T: II, III,
Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your own personal network. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(6), Retrieved from
Summary: The article presents information about all the types of forming your Personal Learning Network (PLN). It mentions of how it can help create connections with educators all around the world to be able and create a good classroom experience. It mainly talks about three main types of PLN, Personally maintained synchronous connections, Personally and socially maintained semi synchronous connections, and Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. Personally maintained synchronous is the type of networks that you go to in order to answer questions that you might have or solve a problem. We can find these networks in Twitter, Skype, uStream, and iChat. Personally and socially maintained semi synchronous connections is when collaboration towards a same purpose does not happened by working together in one on one. It is when the collaboration occurs from different places around the world, and different time frame. The networks used are wikis, Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections are not connections with others, it mainly connections with sources that are useful for one purpose of ours. RSS aggregators are the main tool of this type because they help found information on a topic that we have interest fast, and in many forms as pictures, articles, journals, and media. One of the most commons is Delicious or Diigo, because they are social bookmarks and can be used to store all articles of our interest and use them in the future, by looking with their tags you incorporate. The article provides a web map of many PLN plans and how they work to what of the types they are associated. At the end of the article I was able to understand more it, and how it works toward us as educators work too.
Q1: What type of PLN I think will be the one I will use the most?
A1: I think the one I will use the most is Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. The reason because I will use this one is because I like to found interesting articles online to be informed, but many times I forget where it was one that I want to use in the future. I feel that Diigo is really helpful in this concept because now no matter of my bad memory I will be able to save interesting articles for the future.
Q2: How do you think Facebook will be use in your future career?
A2: In the future Facebook will be use to be able and communicate with other teachers around the world or my own classmates from my classes. As of now I use Facebook with my cohort from ICP to keep in touch and help each other in our concerns about the program and classes. I believe is a good way and easier for everyone to use and because many people has it. Facebook will be a good source to work with people around the world for a common goal, no worrying of distance.
Journal #6
"Grow Your Personal Learning Network," NETS-T: II, III,
Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your own personal network. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(6), Retrieved from
Summary: The article presents information about all the types of forming your Personal Learning Network (PLN). It mentions of how it can help create connections with educators all around the world to be able and create a good classroom experience. It mainly talks about three main types of PLN, Personally maintained synchronous connections, Personally and socially maintained semi synchronous connections, and Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. Personally maintained synchronous is the type of networks that you go to in order to answer questions that you might have or solve a problem. We can find these networks in Twitter, Skype, uStream, and iChat. Personally and socially maintained semi synchronous connections is when collaboration towards a same purpose does not happened by working together in one on one. It is when the collaboration occurs from different places around the world, and different time frame. The networks used are wikis, Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections are not connections with others, it mainly connections with sources that are useful for one purpose of ours. RSS aggregators are the main tool of this type because they help found information on a topic that we have interest fast, and in many forms as pictures, articles, journals, and media. One of the most commons is Delicious or Diigo, because they are social bookmarks and can be used to store all articles of our interest and use them in the future, by looking with their tags you incorporate. The article provides a web map of many PLN plans and how they work to what of the types they are associated. At the end of the article I was able to understand more it, and how it works toward us as educators work too.
Q1: What type of PLN I think will be the one I will use the most?
A1: I think the one I will use the most is Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. The reason because I will use this one is because I like to found interesting articles online to be informed, but many times I forget where it was one that I want to use in the future. I feel that Diigo is really helpful in this concept because now no matter of my bad memory I will be able to save interesting articles for the future.
Q2: How do you think Facebook will be use in your future career?
A2: In the future Facebook will be use to be able and communicate with other teachers around the world or my own classmates from my classes. As of now I use Facebook with my cohort from ICP to keep in touch and help each other in our concerns about the program and classes. I believe is a good way and easier for everyone to use and because many people has it. Facebook will be a good source to work with people around the world for a common goal, no worrying of distance.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Journal # 4
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #4
“It's time to trust teachers with the Internet” NETS-T: III, VI
Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 01). The journal. Retrieved from
Summary: The article presents a good argument of how schools are affecting the technology education of children. The article is an interview with Meg Ormiston , a presenter of good use of technology in classrooms. The main idea presented is that schools block the internet with the purpose of safety but same time teacher-resources are block. A good example of sites is YouTube, Ormiston mentions that can be bad but mostly can be useful to teach. Ormiston mentions that is necessary for administrators to educate themselves in why is useful not to block internet at schools. Also teachers need to go and explore outside of the classroom websites to later present them why they will be part of their curriculum. Finally, Orminston mentions that blocking websites is not good because students are going to their homes and using the internet without being taught about safety at school.
Q1: What other websites can be use in the classroom?
A1: Another websites useful for classroom purposes is Diigo a bookmarking site where can find interesting and useful websites. Yahoo can also be helpful because you can find news from all over the world in it, or any other site that has news to help students see the outside world.
Q2: How is a way to educate students and teachers in a low-income district?
A2: It might seem impossible to have any kind of technology in these types of districts. However I think there are grants and people to who you might ask for support. I have heard that you can ask for grants by staying the reasons of how it will help students and how they will help in the future. Also is important to attend the district meetings because that way parents and teachers can demand for more money in order to help the children’s education.
Journal #3
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal 3
Hundred Things that Makes me Happy
- Family
- Friends
- Reading
- Making cakes
- Going to the Beach
- Resting
- Cooking
- Shopping
- Playing with sisters
- Visiting my aunt/cousins
- Traveling
- Going to Mexico
- Listening to music
- Going to movies
- Watching fav. Shows
- Scrapbooking
- Talking to my grandmas
- A day with my brothers
- Playing with my dad
- Talking to my mom
- Taking pictures of family and friends
- Eating candies/Chocolate
- My computer
- Road trips
- Parties
- Work
- Helping others
- Learning new things
- New adventures
- Fixing my room in new ways
- Ice cream
- My mom’s food
- My phone
- Play with my roommates dog
- Sunny days
- Rainy days
- Hot Chocolate
- Sorority events
- My sorority sisters
- Purple Things
- Internet
- Sleeping
- Messing with my hair
- Going to church
- Singing at church
- Weddings
- Quinceaneras
- New facts
- Visiting my friends
- Birthdays
- Lucky Charms cereal
- God’s love
- My sisters telling me they miss me and want me to go home
- Going to see movies with brothers
- Talking on Facebook with old friends
- Hearing what are up to my friends
- Learning something new in a class
- Smiles
- Christmas
- Thanksgiving with family
- Making gifts
- Playing games
- When one of my students tell me Thank you for the help provided
- My students getting mad when I don’t go to work
- Knowing my students really appreciate my help and care for me
- Jokes
- Hugs
- Clean room
- Massage
- Roommate Day!
- Lunch with love ones
- Babysit my little cousin
- Money
- Having what I want
- Hot baths
- Seeing sunshine
- Seeing sundown
- Surprises
- Presents that have a meaning
- Freedom
- Success
- Forgiveness
- People understanding my decisions
- Being healthy
- When wearing my glasses
- Happy faces
- Being able to teach someone a new thing
- Teddy bears
- Doing Zumba
- Ruffles with lot of chile
- Flowers
- Knowing I am right
- When my aunts treat me with any kind of food when I visit them
- Helping sisters in their homework
- Playing dolls with sisters
- Laying in the grass and looking at sky
- Helping the environment
- In a summer day just laying by the pool
- Being able to translate because I am bilingual
Journal # 2
Miriam Vidaurri
Journal #2
“Join the Flock” and “Enhance Your Twitter Experience” NETS-T V
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from
McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from
Summary: The first article “Join The Flock” talks about how to start working with twitter. The article presents all the information that you need to know on how to use in an educational way twitter in seven easy sections. It mainly explains step by step what to do next and how to gather information from it. Now, I can understand why people think twitter is a good educational tool, teachers can learn from people all around the world. Mainly, it mentions how to start your personal learning networks (PLN)
The second article talks about how to the author has help having a twitter account. How her students got to know more about Web 2.0 by a person from New Zealand. By this it demonstrates how people from all around the world can cooperate in a same tweet and express their knowledge when it will never be possible without internet. It also talks about saving the information that is important for you because tweets disappear behind more tweets fast. I think is a good thing to be able and save good tweets because it will not be good to have something amazing for a few minutes, and lost it again in the world.
Q1. How teachers can use Twitter for their lessons?
A1. Twitter is a connection of social network all over the world where you can express you knowledge, questions, concerns, and much more. It can be use for lessons because you can ask a question about a topic and people from all around the world is going to provide their ideas. It is a way in which teachers can use ideas from other educators and to identify new ways in which students will learn better.
Q2. Why you need hash tags?
The hash tags are to make your tweet go to more people. In order for it to work you use the # sing before the name of the group you follow and it will be posted for everyone else that follows that group but not you. It is also a way to get more opinions, ideas and knowledge from the world.
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